Creative writing Rm 7

Last term Room 7 read 10 Dragon Ball books and did some drama activities to help us understand the stories better. This term my class has been challenged by my teacher  to write our own story  of Dragon Ball based on what we have read together. I have found it hard but I have tried hard to write my ideas and be descriptive. Here is some of the writing I wrote:


A little boy named Akihiko was walking around the Tournament grounds crying because he could not find his parents anywhere.Suddenly Goku heard a big sob coming from Akihiko s then Goku rushed  to see what was going on.The little boy said to Goku that he could not find his parents.Goku said that he would help Akihiko find his parents.Akihiko was filled with great Joy.Goku called Kinto’un who comes,picks them up and flys over the arena.


They look over houses,beaches,the city and the country side.Then Akihiko asked Goku’’How come I am able to fly on this cloud?. Goku answered It is  because you are pure of heart and that you are very friendly as well. Akihiko was very jolly and said to Goku ‘’ So does that mean if others who are pure of  heart can ride kinto un  Goku said ‘’ You are right ‘’.


They kept on searching some more but they could not find them anywhere.Then Goku asked where the little boy’s house was.Akihiko said that his house was right next to the arena. They flew over but when they checked inside the house it was empty.


They gave up hope and left the house.They both sat on a bench.The little boy started to cry again because he really missed his parents.Then he heard his name being called from a really loud speaker.He heard it again and quickly stopped crying and stood up.He climbed on a wall and saw his parents searching for him.Then he told Goku that he has found his parents.


Goku stood up and he and Akihiko ran over to the other side of the wall.They both had to squish through people because it was a really big crowd.Then when they found his parents they were filled with great joy.They had tears and hugs for a whole minute.Then the parents rewarded him with dinner,but instead of sharing the food he ate the whole thing up.After dinner he raced off to join his friends to hopefully see them again at the next tournament. 






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